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5 Club History
Playing in the NTDL for the past few years, Kinnitty Rovers have made a name for themselves on the soccer pitch.

Kinnitty Rovers was founded in 1997, when we played with the NT+DL
for our first season.

The period between 1988 - 1993 we played in the Leinster League, before returning to the fold of the NT+DL in 1994, and we have played there ever since.

1998 was our glory year, where we won both the Divison 3 Championship and Shield! Our youths teams have done us proud as well, winning a stream of championships and cups at levels as they rose through the ranks.

Youths Achievements

1997 U16 Title
1998 U18 Title
2000 U10 Title
2002 U12 Title
2002 U12 Cup
2003 U14 League Runners Up
2003 U14 Cup Runners Up.





% Champions!
1998 Division 3 Title
1998 Division 3 Shield
1998 U18 Youths Title

Achtung! Kinnitty Attack!!!
Germany was on high alert during 2001, as the team from the Leoni plant in Birr town arrived to compete in the Leoni Group Challenge Cup

Featuring Kinnitty players in the form of Seamus O' Brien in goals, and Jim Spain in attack, this formidable force done themselves proud against Egypt, England and two German sides, finally bowing out in the Semi Final stages.

Kinnitty Rovers were proud to assist the team in the use of our facilities at Castle Fields in their preparation for the match, and to show their gratitude they had the audacity to beat us on home ground in the practice match!

Everyone knows, however, that the Kinnitty forwards did not want to upset Seamus too much by scoring too many goals past him, hence the Leoni victory!

Quik Info!
Kinnitty Rovers  
Secretary Chris Mc Fadden
Address Ballincor, Kinnitty, Birr, Co. Offaly
Phone 0509 37147 / 087 6175661
Home Ground Castlefield, Kinnitty
Away Colours Blue

All information ©NTDL 2004. Web Design by Cartyweb.